Adopt a positive mindset and make those changes in your life!
Hypnosis enables you to enter into a deeply relaxed state. You're fully in control at all times and contrary to some beliefs will not start clucking like a chicken! The word Hypnosis is derived from the ancient Greek word for sleep. However, although sometimes people drift off it is more effective on a collaborative basis so a client is encouraged to work with the therapist on a guided journey using various methods and adopting a positive mindset of belief in the process. While there are many myths and misconceptions, hypnosis can used as a therapeutic tool and has many medical and therapeutic benefits such as reduction of pain, anxiety or depression and an increase in confidence and self esteem. It can also help with phobias, losing weight, PTSD, habits , sleep issues and many more.
Neuro linguistic programming was created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler and made a connection between neurological processes (Neuro) language (linguistic) and behavioural patterns learnt through experiences (programming). There are many techniques that can be used alongside Hypnotherapy using NLP to help someone change their beliefs and behaviours to help achieve the desired outcomes. NLP empowers, enables and teaches us to better understand the way our brain (neuro) processes the words we use (linguistic) and how that can impact on our past, present and future (programming). It gives us strategies for observing human behaviour and learning from that. Change is possible - all you need is a desire to change and a willingness to learn new ways of being…with yourself, your thoughts and with others.
Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It can bring on a meditative state, Stimulate your body’s immune system, promote natural self-healing, relieve pain and tension, support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and kidney dialysis. Studies show that reiki treatment may create feelings of Peace, Relaxation, Security and Wellness. Reiki treatments typically last about 50 minutes. During a session, you’ll lie on a massage table fully clothed, and I will gently place my hands, palms down, on or just above your body in specific Chakra energy locations. I will use a series of 12 to 15 different hand positions. You may experience the energy in the form of sensations like heat, tingling or pulsing where i have placed my hands. Sometimes, people feel sensations moving throughout the body, while other people do not perceive any change at all. Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during reiki treatment, and many fall asleep during the process. The length of time that the practitioner leaves their hands in each position is determined by the flow of energy through their hands at each location. Reiki differs from other touch therapies in that there is no pressure, massage or manipulation involved.
I am based in The Practice Rooms in Salisbury. I can also see clients via Zoom which has been very effective during the lockdown. Alternatively i am happy to visit you if you are in Salisbury or surrounding area.
About the General Data Protection Regulations, 2018 (GDPR) The GDPR replaces the 1998 Data Protection Act to ensure your personal and sensitive, confidential data is kept private and held securely, being processed in the way that you have agreed to. It is there to protect your rights as a consumer of a service or product that might involve your identifiable data, e.g. your name and address or whether you have a specific condition. It also covers any session records, text messages or emails we may exchange during or after your treatment. Length of time your information is held for I am regulated by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council which stipulates I am bound to hold your data for 8 years after your final session. Unless you are a child, in which case I am bound to hold your data until your 25th birthday, unless you are 17 when treatment ends and then I must keep it until your 26th birthday. Therefore, all your records will be deleted in the January after the above retention scales. This is in line with NHS regulations for holding data. Reducing this length of time Under the GDPR you can make a request in writing to me, for all your records to be deleted. In this case all your paper records would be shredded with a cross shredding machine and any electronic data such as emails or text messages would be permanently deleted from the devices they are stored on. I would have to save the request for deletion you made but would not save any other data. This may not happen immediately if the CNHC or my insurance insist that I have a legal basis in which to hold your data. In some circumstances my insurance companies legal team may want to verify information I send out. If you would like to exercise any of these rights please contact me on the details below: Angie Stewart- The Practice Rooms, 7A Catherine Street, Salisbury Wilts SP1 2DF Telephone:07788696807 Email Why I keep a record of your information During your treatment I may collect information about; why you are using the service, a small amount of medical information and a small amount of information about your important others, alongside brief session notes. This information enables me to provide a high quality service to you, ensuring I am equipped with the knowledge of our previous discussions prior to each session. Your contact details / address and doctor's details will only be used with your explicit consent. Ensuring your information is held securely
Everything we talk about during our sessions is strictly confidential between you and me. If we come across each other outside of a session I may smile but to ensure your confidentiality I will not engage in any conversation. You are of course welcome to share details about the therapy you are receiving with other people if you wish. Adhering to the GDPR any contact I may have, relating to you, with other health care professionals would only be made with your signed consent e.g. If I were to write to your GP to notify them of your treatment with me, and then notify them of the treatment ending, I would only do this if you were to sign the specific consent for this. Exceptions In order to safeguard you and the people around you, if you were to disclose that you were aiming to carry out harm to yourself or someone else, then under my duty of Care I am obligated by law to inform the relevant authorities. This is to support you to live well, and I would always aim to discuss this with you prior to contacting anyone. If I was issued with a police warrant or court order for your information, by law I would also have to provide them with your information. Your privacy is very important to me and i value it and as a member of The National council for Hypnotherapy I will adhere to the ethics that they set out to members. |